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Tortilla Casserole

by | Mar 24, 2022 | 0 comments

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This quick taco tasting casserole is easy to put together and even easier to please a family.

Are you a Mexican food person?

I, most definitely, am!

There is no such thing as too much Mexican food, in my opinion.

I have a quick and easy Mexican recipe for you today. Even if you’re not a RAVING fan, I’ll bet you’ll still like this one. It went over well with the kids in our house too…the toppings can vary depending on the food likes/dislikes of each family member. That’s always a win!

Tortilla Casserole

This quick taco tasting casserole is easy to put together and even easier to please a family.
Servings 4


  • 1 9×13 pan


  • 1 lb farm fresh ground pork or ground beef
  • 1/4 cup chopped green peppers or to taste
  • 1/4 cup chopped onions or to taste
  • 1 packet taco seasoning
  • 18 corn tortillas
  • 2 cups cheese
  • Toppings such as sour cream, lettuce, tomatoes, chopped peppers and onions, etc.


  • Preheat oven to 350.
  • Brown your ground meat with the onions and peppers.
  • Stir in taco seasoning.
  • Lay out 6 tortillas to cover the bottom of the 9×10 pan. They will overlap a little.
  • Sprinkle 1/2 of the meat mixture over the tortillas.
  • Sprinkle 1/2 of the cheese over the meat.
  • Add another layer of 6 tortillas.
  • Add remainder of meat and cheese in layers.
  • Cover the top with the last 6 tortillas.
  • Bake for about 20-30 minutes, or until you can see the cheese is melted.
  • Cut into portions and cover with any of your favorite taco toppings.

A peek at our week – End of March 2022

This week, we said “May we never meet again” to our boar, Frontier.

Here he is impatiently waiting for his dinner. 😄

While he had a decent temperament and good size for a boar (some can be mean and very large and dangerous) he had reproduction issues. He didn’t seem to have the vitality a good boar should and showed it by missing the breeding cycles of several sows. This made farrowing spread out much longer than it should. And I still have a sow I’m waiting on….did he get her….did he not? Very frustrating.

So he left the farm last Friday with someone who had had high hopes that he would perform better for them. Hopefully that’s the case!

We welcomed the new boar this past Monday.

This new guy has produced hundreds of offspring in the last 2 years of his life. He’s a beautiful animal who already shows more signs of masculinity than the other guy ever did. I’m super excited to see how he works out!

Right now he’s hanging out by himself, but around April 11th, he’ll join the sows, ready to give us some August piglets! 💕

And speaking of piglets, the 10 little guys we have so far are growing like weeds!

This video is from the other day when we had a whopping 70 degrees!! (It’s now back in the 30s and 40s….but it was a nice memory anyway. 😄)

We have 1 sow who is due with her piglets any day now.

I thought for sure she’d have them sometime over the last couple rainy days since the change in weather pressure will often bring farrowing.

But she’s still hanging in there!

Below a funny video from the other day….

Marigold is on the left side (red colored pig). Since she’s breeding stock, she gets a specific weighed amount of feed everyday. If she’d get too much, she’d get too chubby which is bad for her health as well as complicates farrowing quite a bit. (Stuck piglets are no fun 😖.)

So in the video, I had just dumped in the feed on the left for her.

On the right are the grower pigs who are living in the same barn, on the other side of her fence. As much smaller growers, they have a continuous source of feed. They are too young to get fat and they grow the best pork chops on always having food available.

So, why are they are whining and complaining and trying to get over to her food when they have several hundred pounds of their own feed 10 feet away??

I have no idea. 😄

Probably because everyone on earth, man or beast, seems to think at some time or another that the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. 😁

Humorous, and a good reminder that we all have so many things to be thankful for….we just need to remember to see them. 😊

Wishing you a happy beginning of spring!


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Hey, I’m Naomi Johnson!  We grow tasty pork on our farm and I’m here to show you how to cook with it. May you bring tasty and nutritious dishes to your next meal. 

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